In November, the Champaign County Board approved to release all claims for 2 residents who died at nursing home located in Champaign County. You can watch the video story by clicking here: (https://foxillinois.com/news/local/claims-released-for-two-seniors-who-died-at-champaign-nursing-home).
Unfortunately, many nursing homes are inadequately staffed to address the medical and psychiatric needs of their residents. Shay & Associates represent elderly persons who have either been abused or neglected in nursing homes or their families following the death of a loved one who suffered abuse or neglect. If you suspect any abuse or neglect in a nursing home, it is important to contact the Illinois Department of Public Health and file a complaint requesting an investigation. Further, a demand for a transfer to a hospital emergency room will allow for immediate care and reporting of abuse or neglect by a medical professional at the hospital, if such abuse or neglect is suspected. Be vigilant with your elderly loved ones.
If you, or someone you know has been abused or neglected in a nursing home, we hope you will contact a personal injury lawyer for representation. Tim Shay has a great deal of experience in obtaining justice for victims of elder abuse in nursing homes. Please call Shay & Associates today at 217-523-5900 (Springfield) or 217-425-5900 (Decatur) if you require legal assistance regarding elder abuse in nursing homes.