On Wednesday evening of January 23, 2019, there was a collision between a semi-truck and a pickup truck on I-55. An article about the particulars can be viewed by clicking here (https://foxillinois.com/news/local/two-vehicle-crash-on-i-55-sends-one-to-hospital). After the accident, the driver of the pickup truck was taken to the local hospital with serious injuries. The semi-truck driver was not reported injured.
The aftermath of an automobile accident can be incredibly overwhelming. Between dealing with the police, another driver, and your insurance company, it can be difficult to keep track of what is going on and to make sure that you are preserving all of your potential claims for damages. The damages available after an auto accident fall into two categories: economic and noneconomic. Economic damages include payment for the repair or loss of the motor vehicle, medical expenses incurred as a result of injuries arising from the accident, and loss of wages or profits. Non-economic damages include pain and suffering and loss of enjoyment of a normal life. The loss of enjoyment of a normal life has been defined by law as the temporary or permanent diminished ability to enjoy life, including a person’s inability to pursue the pleasurable aspects of life.
If you, or someone you know has been injured in an auto accident, we hope you will contact a personal injury lawyer for representation. Tim Shay has a great deal of experience in obtaining justice for victims in vehicle accidents. Please call Shay & Associates today at 217-523-5900 (Springfield) or 217-425-5900 (Decatur) if you require legal assistance regarding an auto accident or other injury.