The motorists on U.S. Interstate 72 bring a constant flow of traffic through Springfield and Decatur, Illinois. Along with the usual cars, SUVs, minivans and motorcycles, there are dozens of big-rig trucks and 18-wheelers, hauling freight across the country. Weighing several tons, these colossal vehicles must not be ignored.
Road safety remains crucial, but especially so when sharing a road with a big-rig truck. However, sometimes, accidents occur, abruptly changing the lives of the people involved. When a truck and car collide, the results can be catastrophic and fatal. Survivors of such accidents face lengthy rehabilitation and permanent disability. While the families of those who die face a lifetime of sadness and emptiness.
Negligence from any number of players
There are a number of factors that contribute to a truck accident. Any one of them on their own or in combination with another can lead to tragedy. Here are some of them:
Inexperienced drivers: Some may lack the training to maneuver these big rigs. The slightest mistake can lead to tragedy on the highway. Trucking companies are responsible for providing adequate training to drivers.
Fatigue and drowsiness: Truck drivers often are under vast pressure to meet deadlines in hauling their freight. Their employer pushes them to get to their destination.
Reckless truck drivers: Speeding and ignoring traffic laws are more common than you think.
The use of alcohol and controlled substances: Impaired driving often is at the root of an accident. Some truckers rely on alcohol, speed, cocaine and marijuana while on the road.
Defective parts on a truck: Manufacturers are responsible for providing a product that passes safety inspections. One slight defect can lead to catastrophe.
Poor maintenance: Mechanics may have overlooked certain repairs or simply provided substandard work.
An improperly loaded truck: Unbalanced loads can cause a trailer’s cargo to shift, leading to the truck overturning.
If you are an injury victim from a truck accident, you can pursue legal action against the negligent and responsible parties. An experienced personal injury lawyer can provide the guidance and compassion that you may need.