After experiencing a motor vehicle accident, there are several crucial steps you should take in the moments to follow. These include seeking medical attention, exchanging information with the other driver and beginning the accident claim process with your insurance provider.
The Insurance Information Institute explains that documenting the circumstances of the accident is also an important step in strengthening your accident claim. This entails taking a few key photographs that will serve as evidence in the event that you and your legal team must negotiate a settlement with the insurance company.
1. Damages to Your Car
Photographing the damages to your vehicle can illustrate the amount of compensation you deserve from an accident claim. The nature of the damage might also help in establishing that the other party is at fault for the accident.
2. The Other Person's Car
Similarly, law enforcement and insurance investigators can also glean details from the damage to the other driver’s vehicle to gain insight into how much responsibility you bear for the crash.
3. The Accident Scene
Having a snapshot of the scene as it is at the time of the accident can reveal much about the cause of the incident. Road conditions and other environmental factors can remove at least partial blame from you as a potentially guilty party.
4. Injuries to Your Person
Taking photographs of your injuries immediately after an accident can help in establishing that they are not the result of a preexisting condition.
It is ultimately the role of police personnel and insurance investigators to determine who is at fault for an accident and what type of monetary settlement is appropriate. However, having pictures of the accident can further support your case.
Don't hesitate to reach out to Shay + Associates Law Firm if you require the expertise of a skilled personal injury lawyer in Springfield or Decatur, Illinois.