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Workers' Compensation
in Springfield & Decatur, Illinois
No matter what your profession is from construction worker to office employee, your workplace has hazards. If you experience an injury at work while performing your job, you deserve compensation. This compensation may include temporary total disability to cover lost wages, payment of medical expenses to treat your injuries, vocational rehabilitation if you are unable to return to your past employment and permanent partial disability for your permanent injuries.
In Illinois, you don't have to prove that your employer's negligence caused your accident because the state has a no-fault workers' compensation law. However, many employers and their insurers either fail to pay lawful workers' compensation benefits or fail to timely pay these benefits causing significant stress on the worker and his or her family.
Contact Timothy Shay of Shay + Associates in central Illinois. Mr. Shay has decades of experience litigating workers' compensation claims and has taught attorneys in multiple seminars about workers' compensation laws in Illinois. The workers' compensation lawyers and his firm will advocate for you and guide you through the legal process so you can focus on getting better at adjusting to your life-altering injury.

Know Which Injuries Qualify For Workers' Comepnsation
Some jobs have more obvious risks of injury than others. For example, some employees perform repetitive motions during long shifts and lift large and awkward objects. Workers in higher-risk occupations often sustain acute or chronic injuries, including broken bones, torn ligaments, or severe back pain.
Even office employees are susceptible to workplace injury. Daily computer use can cause carpal tunnel syndrome, and slip-and-fall accidents are very common in traditional offices. State workers’ compensation insurance covers office and non-office employees alike.
In some cases, work-related injuries are severe enough to lead to partial or permanent disability. Shay & Associates Law Firm, LLC can help you get paid for the money you would have earned had the injury never occurred. If your immediate family member died in a workplace-related accident, workers’ compensation lawyers at our firm can pursue survivor benefits to pay for the expenses caused by his or her death.
Trust the Legal Experts at Shay + Associates Law Firm, LLC
Workers’ compensation cases can be long and arduous, so don’t pursue benefits on your own. Call Shay & Associates Law Firm, LLC today for a free consultation with a workers’ compensation attorney. We have offices in both Springfield and Decatur, Illinois, to better serve you.